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PRESIDENT - Mariah Paula Rincon

Major: Microbiology 


Paula is a CSULA MARC Scholar and a graduating senior. She recently re-founded the previously inactive TriBeta Theta Epsilon Chapter. Paula is broadly interested in the mechanisms and treatment of human disease, and she hopes to pursue a Ph.D. in genetics or Molecular Biology. Paula is currently working on a project examining the the potential of lipids to counteract viral infections of the respiratory tract with the ultimate goal of designing a vaccine against these pneumotropic viruses. Paula is also a certified Scuba Diver, practices Muay Thai and loves photography.

Other Organizations:

Vice President of Membership Communications at CSULA Chapter of Golden Key International Honour Society, member of American Society for Microbiology (ASM), the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) and the American Association of University Women (AAUW). 



Major: Microbiology


Jazma is a CSULA Rise Scholar and a Junior. She is currently conducting undergraduate research focusing in the Innate Immunity area. Her research, under Dr. Edith Porter, involves a UCLA collaboration of Mother to Child transmission, where she is assessing lipid-derived innate immune factors in amniotic fluid and vernix caseosa protecting against intrauterine infections such as Listeria monocytogenes and HIV. After achieving her B.S., Jazma will pursue a Ph.D. in Immunology, where she hopes to eventually achieve a research career that focuses on discovering how to naturally improve the human immune system to defend against past, present, and future pathogenic diseases. She is honored be a 2012 Howell CSUPERB Scholar. Being that Jazma is passionate about art, she loves to watch films, plays, and musicals during her down time… classics are a favorite.

Other Organizations:

Member of CSU LSAMP, the Society for Advancement of Chicano and Native American Scientists (SACNAS) and the CSULA SACNAS chapter, the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), and the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. 

TREASURER - Amber Paasch



Amber is a master’s student in the Department of Biological Sciences at CSULA.  Amber currently studies bryophyte population genetics and is examining the genetic effects of skewed sex ratios in Syntrichia caninervis, a stress resistant moss in the Mojave Desert.  Understanding the population structure of S. caninervis allowed her to assess how seemingly detrimental events, such as loss of sexual reproduction and extreme environmental conditions, affect reproduction and dispersal in mosses, which are key components of the desert ecosystem.  Amber is pursuing a PhD in evolutionary genomics and a career in academia.   

Other Organizations: 

Student affiliate for the CSULA SACNAS chapter, member of SACNAS, The Botanical Society of America, and The American Bryological and Lichenological Society

SECRETARY - Raquel Rodriguez


Major: Microbiology



Raquel is a senior majoring at CSULA. She has an interest in both public health and microbial diseases, and aims to pursue a PhD program that can fill her need to pursue both interests in order to eventually lead research efforts directed toward helping vulnerable populations. Raquel is currently studying the antimicrobial effects of host-derived lipids from the upper respiratory tract against bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  When times allows, she enjoys seeing films/local music and is trying to catch up on contemporary fiction. She hopes to one-day mentor emerging scientists through SACNAS and ASM.


Other Organizations:

Member of Society for Advancement of Chicano and Native American Scientists (SACNAS) and the American Society for Microbiology (ASM)

​HISTORIAN - Ninella Boguspour


Major: Biology



Ninellas 'interest is in health care. After achieving her B.S. degree, she will peruse a D.D.S. degree. She also hopes to get a Ph.D. in Orthodontics. Due to her compassionate nature and love for people, she volunteers at different organizations in science field and she looks forward to serve developing countries in future. Ninella enjoys working as part of a team. For a very short period of time, she participated in Dr. Howard Xu’s microbiology and biotechnology laboratory in CSULA. However, she will dedicate her time in near future to return to biology related field laboratory to develop essential skills. In addition, Ninella spends her free time by tutoring high school students in Mathematics and English, who have just immigrated to the U.S. She finds this rewarding when her students improve considerably. She enjoys dancing and swimming. Also, she hopes to learn Italian.




Isabel Vasquez

Major: Biology and English


Isabel is double majoring in English and Biology. She hopes to graduate with honors and continue her education in medical school where she hopes to study internal medicine or neurology. Ultimately, her passion is to learn and understand the structure of the human body. In addition, she feels strongly about helping humanity and the community move forward. Isabel enjoys being involved on campus, by going to events, conferences, and volunteering her time to help other organizations. When she is not studying or volunteering, Isabel enjoys playing her guitar and piano.


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